If you have been injured by the negligent acts of another and you have hired a lawyer to represent you, then you qualify to get a cash advance against your pending claim or lawsuit. Advanced Pre-settlement Funding can help relieve some of your financial pressures by providing you with a cash advance on your Personal Injury case. We understand that when you get into an accident you are in need of money to help pay for your home, car, the pile of doctor bills, gas, and the many other things that you come across. By using our pre-settlement funding services, you can get the money you need today before your settlement comes in.
When most people have a case outstanding they have no other choice but to accept a low settlement for a case that could be worth thousands because they need the money now. We can help relieve your stress so you can wait and get the maximum money you deserve. If we accept your case we are prepared to advance you funds within 24 hours of obtaining the necessary information from your attorney.