Coachella Canal Lining
ProjectClick on image to view video in separate window.
Pre-game featureClick on image to view video in separate window.
Toller Site ProjectClick on image to view video in separate window.
Cultural Resource Management
ASM Affiliates, Inc. is certified Small Business Enterprise specializing in archaeological and historical studies for compliance with local, state, and federal environmental requirements. Since incorporation in 1977, the firm has successfully completed more than 3,000 cultural resource investigations for both private sector and public agency projects throughout California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada. Our clients include local, state, and federal agencies, public utilities, construction and engineering firms, planners and developers. Through teamwork and close working relations with clients, ASM devises feasible, cost-effective solutions that balance project requirements with compliance needs.
ASM has been awarded numerous multi-year, on-call contracts with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1986 to 2001), Caltrans District 11 (1988 to 2008), Naval Facilities Engineering Command (1998 to 2008), Imperial Irrigation District (1997 to current), the Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Land Management, City of San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater Department (1991 to 2002) and Centre City Development Corporation (1997 to current), and other federal, state, and local agencies. We also serve as staff for several Native American tribal organizations in Southern California.
In 2010, ASM was awarded one of four large on-call cultural resources contracts with the Army Environmental Center at Fort Bragg in 2010. The multi-year agreement will include work for Army installations throughout the western United States and involves the full spectrum of historic preservation studies. As Prime Contractor, ASM will work closely with the Army and our team partners to manage and administer the work as it is assigned.