Clearly one of the factors which motivates many individuals and businesses to relocate to Nevada is the hospitable income tax climate which prevails in the state. Nevada imposes no income tax whatsoever on individuals or on business entities.
The single most important prerequisite to enable a taxpayer to take advantage of Nevada's "tax hospitality" is to domicile one's self in Nevada. In simple terms, this means the individual must make Nevada his principal place of residence--his primary home. Similarly, a corporation or other business entity must establish its "commercial domicile" in Nevada. Generally, this means establishing its principal office or place of business in Nevada—make Nevada the headquarters from which the business is managed and controlled.
Income Tax Planning and Tax Return Preparation
Individuals and businesses are faced with an ever changing and increasingly complex tax maze.
Learn more about
Establishing and then managing your family office can be a complex task. Ashley Quinn can alleviate the headaches associated with establishing and managing your family office.
Branches and additional offices:
(775) 832-5727937 Tahoe Blvd Incline Village, NV 89451-9426
Larry Bertsch is a Las Vegas CPA practicing in both the private and public fields since 1964. We offer a full range of accounting (including forensic accounting), tax preparation, and small business b
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