On the following pages you will find schedules, events, times and places where the people of God assembled at Green Valley Evangelical Lutheran Church feed their faith, give expression to that faith and encourage one another as brothers and sisters in the family of God.
You won't find a lot of pictures of people--we believe members are to be served, not marketed.
You will find a lot of God's Word in sermons and Bible Classes. You will also find links to groups we either support within our national church body or worthy groups and causes we have agreed to publicize for a time.
Let us know what you think. We'd rather engage in a conversation with our audience than simply speaking to the wind.
Like the life of every Christian, this website is a work in progress.
Link up to our national church body, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod at this site: www.wels.net
Don't really know all that much about Jesus and want to get your feet wet without a lot of theological jargon? Try this site: www.whataboutJesus.com
We have a great group, Truth in Love Ministry, that is reaching out to people troubled by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. See what they offer: www.truthinloveministry.net
Recently we welcomed back an old friend, Stephen Bautista, who led our worship services. He's got a new website and is working on a new album (you can get a free download of his song, Brand New Day.). http://www.stephenbautistamusic.com
We work to meet the physical needs of the less fortunate in our community through the caring, targeted and effective work of Lutheran Social Services. You can check out their website to see how they are alleviating suffering and how you might be able to help! www.lssnv.org
To better direct your prayers, follow the progress of the Prather triplets, Avery, Tripp and Georgia (born at 26 weeks) and in Summerlin NICU, go to this website: www.caringbridge.org and in the "view website" box type babyprather
Don't forget to check out our Coming! page
You may financially support the Gospel ministry of Green Valley Evangelical by making a secure donation through Paypal.