Welcome to the home of The College Planning and Funding Advisor!
Northern Nevada's ONLY Certified College Planning Specialist
Are you concerned about how you will ever pay for the constantly increasing cost of college?
Only 1/3 of all entering students graduate in 4 years! Do you want your student to be one of them?
Or in the 1/2 of entering students who ever graduate at all?
That's an easy answer. You have come to the right place.
We show parents how to lower their out of pocket cost of college and protect their retirement and lifestyle.
We educate families about how to properly research and pick colleges for a good 'match' for the student, help raise their merit for better admissions and graduation success and improve chances for financial aid.
Poor college selection is a major reason for graduation and financial failures. This includes fixation on elite or 'brand name' schools, default to the local university, and many other errors. Poor financial preparation is another reason. We use a comprehensive methodology resulting in results like these:
Family income $70,000, significant assets, 'free aid' of $28,000/year, tax savings of over $4,000/year, created guaranteed retirement income to recover from market losses.
Family income of $200,000, student in top 1/4 of class, free aid of $21,000 year tuition waiver, final cost of major public university of $8,000/year, on campus. PLUS, $10,000 of additional tax savings to parents per year for 12 years!.
Family EFC of $40,000 on income of $95,000/year. Lowered EFC to $20,000/year, improved retirement returns and created tax free income for life.
Don't be mislead by inexperienced advisors. Even CFPs are taught little about financial aid. I know, because I am one. Getting more aid is much more complex than lowering the EFC, and buying a 529 or pre-paid tuition. Learn the other 99% of the solution.
Can you benefit from working with us? See who we work with on the next page.
Please read further on our site, and feel free to contact us for more specific information.
Nothing on this site is intended to provide legal, accounting or investment advice. Tahoe Financial Planning LLC is located in Reno, Nevada and serves clients in California and Nevada.
At FAL we believe that business is personal. Our CPAs don’t just crunch numbers and look over spreadsheets; they immerse themselves in your business and industry, becoming a trusted strategic partner