Welcome to aRaffleDrum.com, where you will find the largest selection of Acrylic Raffle Drums in the industry under one site. It is our sincere goal to provide our customers with the best quality and highest innovation Ticket Mixers, Raffle Drums, Dice Drums and Ballot Boxes in the market. Designed, Developed and Produced in Las Vegas for over 8 years we have a reputation of delivered everything you expect & more. If you are in need of a Ticket Mixer, Raffle Drum or Ballot Box we are confident that our unique and diverse selection can provide exactly what you are looking for. Quite simply we offer the largest selection of models & sizes of Table Top Raffle Drums and Floor Model Raffle Drums without question. You will also see our exclusive line of Dice Raffle Drums and Wobble Drums that we pioneered over 3 years of product testing & development.
We can customize a Raffle Drum, Ticket Mixer or Ballot Box to your exact needs using our extensive technology, Inventory of acrylic materials and our strategic partnerships. We look forward to being challenged by customer requests and feel we can build any type of Acrylic Raffle Drum, Ticket Mixer or Ballot Box you require and look forward to working with you to create exactly the product to fulfill your needs.