Business Network Nevada
Products and Services:364
Articles and publications:134
Tenders & Vacancies:2

Information may not be reliable

Also, if you park in the front of the Vons shopping area please park closer to Lake Mead so the Vons customers can park closer to the store.
Address5650 W Charleston Blvd # 13 Las Vegas, NV 89146-1370
Phone(702) 259-0699
The state office will be closed until further notice. If you need information or a guest player form signed, please see the league registrar.

The office will be closed Thursday, November 25 and Friday, November 26 and reopen on Monday, November 29th.

The office will be closed Monday, December 20 and reopen on Monday, January 3.

From November 2010 to March 2011, construction crews will be installing solar covered parking structures at Ed Fountain Park. To alleviate the issues of decreased parking spaces, the City will be marking a lane on Vegas Drive to allow for additional parking. This will be in effect Monday, November 22-Wednesday November 24, 2010.

December 15th through January 31st.
Please go to
for more information & NEW transfer policy.

2011 WINTER/EXTENDED SEASON information posted here

The Fall Festival scheduled for 11/20 has been postponed until Spring due to other leagues using the fields.

11/9 Desert Breeze #1 will re-open Monday, 11/15.

New Referee & Recertification class

Condolences to the family & friends of

Hillary LaVoie. Hillary passed away Sunday, 9/26. Her parents say they'll miss her smile.

Services will be Saturday, 10/2 at 1:00 pm

Torrey Pines & Tropicana.
A memorial fund has been established in

Hillary Lavoie's name at Wells Fargo Bank
Hillary Lavoie Memorial Fund

Connie Quinn, a friend to everyone in the
soccer community, and loved by all, passed away Saturday morning, 9/11.
She will deeply be missed.

Connie Quinn's Funeral arrangements:

6:00 pm - 6:30 pm - Memorial service.

at Bunker Brothers, 925 Las Vegas Boulevard.

In lieu of flowers, the family is asking for

donations to the Susan G Komen for the cure.

Donations can be made at:

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month. In memory of Bettye Wilson, Kicking Up Awareness is our GOAL. For more information, please visit
We remember Bettye Wilson on the 10th anniversary of the end of her life and the opening of the Bettye Wilson Soccer Complex. Like Bettye, every female is at risk for ovarian cancer. Know your risks, know the symptoms.
Kicking Up Awareness Is Our GOAL!

8/9/10 Online registration is now closed.
Please complete the USYS form & bring,
fax or mail to the office to be placed on a waiting list. USYS form

A $10.00 late fee will be implemented
effective Monday, July 19th.
The registration period for Fall 2010 will
close on August 7th. A waiting list will
open on August 9th.

SSGSL registration has been extended to
Friday, July 16 - office hours - 9-3pm -
Monday through Friday.

SSGSL is looking for a volunteer secretary/treasurer. Please email or call 259-0699 if interested.

5/21/10 Buckskin Basin is not available to the youth teams on Tuesday night.

Reserving Field Space
A coach/person must be present with the cones in order to reserve field space for practice.

It is not acceptable to lay cones down and then return hours later.

Cones will be removed from fields where there is no one present. The responsibility lies with the coach/person that put the cones down and then left them unattended. Other coaches or teams that are on the same field are not responsible for another teams cones being lost or stolen.

There are many leagues/teams requiring practice space. Working together is the only way all of the kids in our valley will be given the opportunity to practice and play soccer.

There is no scrimmaging from 5-10pm, Monday

thru Friday. All scrimmages must be played

The city is paying very close attention to see if

the trash is cleaned up. Please make sure

you are responsible that the trash is picked up.
Robert Andrade, Cell 400-6633

Silverbowl fields East of the baseball fields are permitted to Sagebrush League teams. If you are not playing in the Sagebrush league, please stay off of these fields.

Orthodontics Sponsorship Information

Copper is being stolen at an alarming rate and may affect the lights at the fields. If you notice anyone suspicious around the lights,
please call the

Coach/Team Official Registration Form

Coach, Asst Coach, Manager or Team Official Volunteer Form

from the State website at

In Southern Nevada, competitive player transfers
may only be conducted in the

A. First Transfer Window: From August 1st to September 15th (U11 to U14), and from December 15th to January 31st (U15 to U19).

B. Second Transfer Window: From December 15th to January 31st (U11 to U14). A contested transfer in the second transfer window will make the player ineligible for participation in the National Championship Series event that seasonal year.

C. Third Transfer Window: From the published date of roster freeze for the Nevada Championships to
May 31st. Players transferred in the third transfer window are not eligible for participation in the National
Championship Series event that seasonal year.


Coaches, Parents & Spectators Of Silver State Girls And Nevada South Youth Soccer Leagues

NO parking is allowed behind the Vons shopping center as the delivery trucks must have clear access to the back of the store. If you choose to park in the no parking area your car will be towed.

Also, if you park in the front of the Vons shopping area please park closer to Lake Mead so the Vons customers can park closer to the store. There is additional parking in the Cimarron High School parking lot adjacent to Betty Wilson West 20. We understand the parking problems and feel this is the best solution for now for all parties involved. Thank you for your cooperation.

Please call 593-8508, push 1 for any field closure information.

If there is no message regarding any closures - It is okay to go to your game.

ACTIVITY, AND GAME (1) all goal posts and nets for safety, that they are properly anchored and secured, and
(2) the field and areas around the field that is being used. For further information, please see the US Youth Soccer website,

A player was approached by a group when he

went to the restroom at KZ.
His iPod was taken and a gun was presented.
Please be aware of your surroundings.
When leaving the fields for any reason during a training session or game, make it known you are leaving & go in groups if possible. Parents please keep a watchful eye out.

City of Las Vegas Field Usability Hotline

County Fields - New policy states that any

damage to Clark County Fields will be the guilty party/organizations responsibility for the repairs to the fields. Field Monitors will be out monitoring the fields. If they tell you the fields are unplayable and ask you to leave, please cooperate.

Please Respect Your Sports Official

Every day, you, your children or your friends engage in an American form of healthy competition through organized sports. As we enter a new season, we wanted to inform you that the Nevada Legislature passed a law, AB 474, in 2005 to protect all sports officials including referees, umpires, linesmen, timekeepers, inspectors, judges in any sport.

State law makes it a crime to threaten a sports official, verbally or physically, resulting in fines up to $2,000 and 1 year in jail. If the victim suffers severe bodily harm, the punishment may be up to 15 years in prison and fines up to $10.000. (Nevada Revised Statutes 200.471 and 200.481)

Regionals: June 20 - June 27, 2010

Exchange Students That Play Soccer.

The Goal Magazine needs your articles and news
about tournaments, club activities and accomplishments, and human interest stories.
Submit to the editor, at

**To view or print any of the information, you may need to click the icon to the left and install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

This page was last updated Monday November 22, 2010


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